MyDog 2011

MyDog 2011 have now been in Gothenburg, 4 day show =o)
Rush won the Champion Class and got 3 best male on Thursday
and on Friday he got 2 in champion class and reserv (5) in best male.
"Bobby" Driftwood's Time Out Of Mind (a male Mimmi that have Mimmtrix kennel have importet from us) won BOB and also then won the Group... So on Sunday he was in BIS final... That was fun, not everyday a Weimaraner winning the Group and there for makes the BIS final =o) Great for him and also Great for the breed...
My friend how have Saluki won the puppy BOB and then got second  puppy BIS !!!! I'm soo happy for him and his beutifull saluki puppy...

RUSH at MyDog januari 6 -2011 (the second dog on the pic)

RUSH at MyDog januari 6 -2011 (the first dog on the pic)

RUSH at MyDog januari 7 -2011

RUSH at MyDog januari 7 -2011

Bobby at BIS final

Bobby at BIS final

Bobby at BIS final

My friend's Saluki that got puppy BIS second

Time fore some updates...

I'm back from my 3 months in the US... I had the time off my life there...

I already miss Chris and her family and the dogs off course.

I learned allot during my time there, we did showing, hunting and agility and all the rest that is when you have dogs =)

I also did allot off shopping... mostly cloths to have when I'm showing dogs (off course)

I came home whit 3 big suitcases, 1 small suitcase and a big dog crate whit my new boy in =)

This last weekend I was down in Malmö, show training for Gerard O'Shea whit Rush (my new boy)

and now we are looking forward to the Stockholm Show 18 December and there is a total off 35 Short Hair Weimaraners entered in that show =)) Is going to be very exiting, to see who the other dogs are and how Rush is doing at his first Show in Sweden =))

I couldn't ask for a better male dog then him, he is very intelligent, great whit other male dogs, he is fun training because he wants to learn and pleas you. He is the new love off my life ;o)

And Elli is doing good as well, she loves having a play mate again =) and she is doing good after the spaying. I felt so bad leaving for the US when she had been Spayed just a few days before I left :( But she did good...

putting in some pics on my new love (Rush)



Pics from US National, Gettysburg...better late than never

Hope you enjoyed the pics I've put up here...
Even If it took me a looong time to get it here!!!

All the Best Caroline

Whats new sinc the last posting...

I'm going to the US for 3 month to stay whit Chris & Ted Grisell that have Nani's Weimaraner.
And learn loads off things. Have always loved ther dogs and breding...

I also have been showing Elli in Köping (Sweden) the other weekend and she was BOB =0)

Have realized I need to do a website for my kennel, and will start on that when I return from the US... 
So you can get a better pictur of what have hapend whit one dog and news, and so on...
I like it better when I can structur it well. And everything have it place.

All The Best //Caroline

*sorry* for not updating this site sufficient ...

Hi, i'm really sorry for not updating this site sufficient... Had alot to do the past months whit puppies (wachtel hound) that are doing fantastic right now in there new homes, had an Second litter Wachtel hounds that I sadly had to put to sleep... *whit a tear in my eye* but know it was for the best!!!

After that I was in the USA to see the Weimaraner's Nationall in Gettysburg, PA
And I had a Fantastic time ther... Meet Wonderfull and absolutly Great Pepole and Dogs.
Are so greatful fore all the conections I got to make there...

I allso got to see som really gourges weims =))

Will update more soon *whit pics frome usa*

Love Caroline whit Dogs

Snow Dogs

Some pics of the winter time we have had and the doh have had so mutch fun this winter, whit all the snow =)

Lucifer, Saga och Elli


Lucifer och Elli



Wachtel Valpar kom idag, lägligt på Alla Hjärtans Dag =)

Det blev 8 valpar, 4 hanar och 4 tikar... I följande ordning:

Valp Nr1 blev en Brun hane på 400g och föddes 13.05 Han fick Orange som färg!

Valp Nr2 blev en Brun hane på 500g och föddes 13.15 Han fick LimeGrön som färg!

Valp Nr3 blev en Brun tik på 450g och föddes 13.25 Hon fick Rosa som färg!

Valp Nr4 blev en Brun tik på 450g och föddes 14.20 Hon fick Blå som färg!

Valp Nr5 blev en Skäck hane på 425g och föddes 14.45 Han fick Röd som färg!

Valp Nr6 blev en Skäck tik på 190g och föddes 16.05 Hon fick Lila som färg!

Valp Nr7 blev en Brun hane på 550g och föddes 16.55 Han fick Grön som färg!

Valp Nr8 blev en Brun tik på 500g och föddes 18.55 Hon fick Gul som färg!

Se sötnossarna på Bilderna nedan =)

Puppy News...


Deutscher Wachtelhund (German Spaniel)

Sire: Arko Vom Wildererstein

Dam: Rotvältans Kaja

Kaja is expecting to give birth in the beginning of February.




Sire: Camelot's Playboy to the Stars

Dam: Beckstar Hairy Mary “Elli”

“Elli” was mated 1 January 2010 so If there will be puppies they will arrive in the beginning of Mars .

Elli's Showing Results so far! (from

Här visas hundens samtliga registrerade tävlingsresultat. Står det t.ex. CERT har hunden också erhållit CERT.
  UKL:   1    
  UKK:   RESERV    
  ÖKL:   2    
  MM - mankhöjd:   630    
  ÖKL:   1    
  ÖKK:   1    
  BTKL:   1    
  MM - mankhöjd:   630    
  Domare SIMPSON GIL  
  ÖKL:   1    
  ÖKK:   2    
  MM - mankhöjd:   610    
2009-12-13-001 HUND2009 UTSTÄLLNING INT SKK
  ÖKL:   1    
  ÖKK:   1    
  BTKL:   1    
  MM - mankhöjd:   615

Dog show 2009, Swedish Kennel club, 12-13 December in Stockholm.

Dog show 2009, Swedish Kennel club, 12-13 December in Stockholm.


Me and Elli are going to Stockholm 12 December to the Dog Show and are Showing 13 December. It's going to be fun, and they are 30 Weimaraner in the Show. It will be nice to see who the other 39 Weimaraner are.


Elli is doing great and I'm planing fore the litter next year and looking/seeking for a male dog that got what we want for her. She is in heat in the beginning of January, if everything is in sync.


Lucifer is still healing after his tail amputation and are still going on antibiotics. So the hunting and training fore him is putt aside. It's a bit sad due to that it's his first real hunting season. But I'm hoping that he heals ok so we will have the later half of this season for him.


Love Caroline &Co

Some News

Lucifer is coming from a litter whit really bad luck, now is three of six dogs from that litter deceased. One from an accident in the forest, one from ileus and one became a victim to wolf's.
So it's really sad ;( And Lucifer damaged his tail a couple weeks ago and yesterday he got his tail amputated. So now he is doing better and in a week or two we can start the training again. =)

Lucifer whit his damaged tail!

Lucifer after he got his tail amputated! 

And Lucifer is going to be a big brother in a few month, because we are loaning his mum in our kennel and taking a litter whit the same father as well! Kajan, as the mum's name is in heat soon so in the end of January ore beginning of February is the puppies her =)

Lucifer whit a Vild boar!

Lucifer is snuggeling in the bed =)

And we are looking for a male dog for the litter we like to have on Elli, we have found a few that are interesting. And she is in heat in the beginning of January. So we are going to have a full house in the beginning of next year =)

Elli is laying put in a mellal tube, in training purpose!

Love Caroline &Co

My sweet Elli is going to be a movie star *wee*

I know that I haven’t updated my blogg as often as I should have, and I’m sorry for that. But I will try to be beter.

The trip to Idre went well except very poor whit birds (ripa), we only found a couple of full grown. But Elli was really good; except that she thought that it was really nice walking around to eat blueberries when she got board to not find any birds.  I will of course post some pics from our trip.  

I also have some more exciting news! My sweet Elli is going to be a “movie star”. Well maybe yeast in a few scenes… But I think it’s really awesome and are looking forward to it.

The film she is going to be in is (the English) Wallander “The man how smiled” and will be shown in English television (but I don’t know when that is yet) and sometime after in Swedish television, on channel 4.  

The 24-25 September are me and Elli going to Skurup (a city in the lower south part of Sweden) because that is when they are filming / producing the scenes Elli is going to be in. So I’m a little nervous, but mostly excited.

And also the 4 October it’s the Showing in Öland, the 30th anniversary of the Swedish Weimaraner club, when Gil Simpson is coming over to Judge.


Love Caroline, Elli and the rest of the crew

Elli and Gray in Idre (Elli is the one in yellow)

My sweet Elli in Idre

The sweet Elli once more

A cind of sad news and Happy News =p

Sadly the days in the mountains near Gällivare in north of Sweden didn't become so much of, because when we had driven for a little over 1200 kilometers we had to turn around. Due to my father didn't feel well and had some pain in his chest, and because of his condition we decided that it wasn't safe due to the long distance to hospitals up in the north. So thats a bit sad, but his health goes first. But when dad talked to his friend up there, she told him that they hadn't found any birds the first couple of days. But sad any way.

Now Me and Elli will go up to Idre mountains instead, we are of tomorrow. To hunt and train whit Kalle that I got my German Spaniel (Wachtel) from, that also have one Weimaraner and is a old friend to my father. So we will still get about one week in a different part of Sweden's mountains. Idre is ner/next to Norwegian border.

Yesterday I sewed two new "hunting" west's for Elli, Pictures whit her wearing them is in the bottom of this contribution.

I'm really exited for next week =) I'm looking foreword to see how Elli is doing...

I hope that it's some birds there, I'm a bit worried because they say it's a really bad year.

They have called of the hunting in some parts of Sweden, due to the extreme low numbers of birds (Ripa)

I hope I remembered to pack all, because tomorrow morning we are of and on our way to Idre

I can't wait, I'm really really exited

Love Caroline, Elli and the rest of the crew =)

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) Whit her New Yellow "hunting" West

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) Whit her New Yellow "hunting" West

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) Whit her New Yellow "hunting" West

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) Whit her New Pink "hunting" West

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) Whit her New Pink "hunting" West

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) Whit her New Pink "hunting" West

The Results from this weekends showing whit Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary)

Nyköping 15/8 -2009

Type and general impression: Very good

Size: 63 cm

Detailed description:

2 year old youngster, nice in type, sweat head, good reach of neck, ducked well tail set, turning front feet out, hinde quarter ok, in good summer coat, moves well from the back, but wide in front.

In her class (open class) She got a blue ribbon (2:end place) and out =(

Norrköping 16/8 -2009

Type and general impression: Very good

Size: 63 cm

Detailed description:

Good type, feminine head, good bone, would prefer more depth of chest, balanced body, adequate angulation, lovely color, sound steady moves.

(= Today she was BIR =)

She got 1 in Open Class, CK, Bhkl/Btkl, CACIB and BIR

So we are really happy today =) =) =)

Pics from this weekend are coming soon....

Love Caroline and Elli whit the rest of our crew =)

Showing Elli this weekend

On Friday Me and Elli will drive up to Nyköping and spend the night on a Hotel. Early on Saturday we are going in the ring early, and the judge is Jozef Verrees, from Belgien. At the evening we will drive to Norköping and stay at a hotel there. On Sunday we will show in Norköping and the judge there is John Thirlwell, from United Kingdom. So we are very exited and we have been training fore some time now. We are also going to the mountains in Norrland, to train me and Elli for about one week. Will write some more after the Showing. Hugs Caroline and Elli

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary)

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary)

Spökhundens Saga

Spökhundens Saga

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary)

Now is Elli a big sister =)

I got really good news when I was at work today. Bruce (Ellis breeder) called me and told me that Elli is a big sister now, to 7 puppies. And one of them we will see a lot of in Sweden, because friends of me are going to take one of them so it will be great fore Elli to have a sister here. We will go up to Stockholm and visit them when the puppy is old enough and settled in whit Sophie and Richard, in the beginning of October.

Beck whit her puppies (Elli is a spitting image of her mum Beck, so this is Elli next year)

Sweet Beck

7 puppies total =) little sweet things, and I can't wait untill next year when we are going over to England to mate Elli and se Bruce, Beck and her brother Snipe. And to when her puppies are comming.

Shows that Elli is registered to =)

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) is now registered to Nyköping (Nat.) the 15th of August and also Norrköping (Int.) the 16th of August. So now it's daily training to this two shows that's prioritized.

Are also looking forward to Swedish Club of Weimaraner's 30 anniversary in Öland (in October).

What a beautiful day

Fantastic day whit some sun after all the rain, was out in the woods for a quite long walk whit Elli and Lucifer.

Elli was a bit unhappy whit me because she had to be on a leash, due to that she is in heat. She would have preferred to be running around free.  

I would like to give a thought to Lucifer's sister Freja, that sadly past away due to an accident in the woods.
I know she was highly loved by all them she came in contact whit. It's a truly sad and heartbreaking accident. She went after a roe dear in the woods, and suddenly the barking stopped and everything went quiet. She was found 3 days later whit a wooden stick that went in the front of her chest and out behind her shoulder blade, sticking out about 20 cm in the front so she could not move herself. She probably went in to chock due to they found her dead, pressing in some bushes not far from where they looked the days before and she hadn't barked or grumbled at all.  

My heart is whit her family and I hope that they never will experience some thing as horrible as this ever again.
Freja did live less than one year but she touch many people's lives' and made every one happy.

Some ”history” Loads of pics

Her comes some pics of dogs that past away and of earlier litters

Spökhundens Frigg Is taking care of 2 kittens that is only about 2weeks old.

Maya (kismaner fire n ice) my bitch from Australia that I had to put down late summer of 2008.

Her is Maya (kismaner fire n ice) as a puppy 3½ month old. She had a  fantastic look as a young bitch.

Her she is again.

Her is Maya (kismaner fire n ice) once again, bul now she's older (junior).

Maya's last litter in 2005 whit (sadly) only 3 puppys.

Spökhundens Mjölner from our last litter in 2005 (but hopfulli it will be one next year 2010)

Maya (kismaner fire n ice) when she is grown up.

Puppys from the litter in 2005.

More pics are coming soon =)

Training for Gerard O´Shea and show plans

I was show training for Gerard O´Shea this Wednesday and Thursday (15-16/7 -09)

You can read about Gerard on his website
He is the best trainer in my belief!

Sadly I had to take Lucifer whit me on the training and not Elli as I planed, because she is in heat.
But it went great, specially because he isn't show trained at all (do to he is castrated)
And on Friday I was on a Anatomy course for Gerard O´Shea, that normally he has in 3 days.
So this was a short version, but really interesting. I will also go the full 3 day curse next year.
Until then I will by some books and DVD´s of the author Rachel Page Elliot

*Dogsteps -what to look for in a Dog (dvd)

*Canine Cineradiography -A study of bone and joints motion as seen through moving X-rays (dvd)

*Dogsteps -A new look (book)

and maybe some more...

Are planing to enter Himelstalund, Norrköpning Int. August 16.
And also Sofiero, Helsingborg September 13.

Then we have The Swedish Weimaraner club 30 years anniversary
and we will enter the show there, October 4 in Öland.

Enough for today will write more later, but this is the latest news.

Hugs Caroline, Elli, Lucifer and Saga

Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) and Spökhundens Saga


Elli (Beckstar Hairy Mary) and Lucifer

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